

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Series Three: Part Seven : Restful Ravioli

Have you ever done a relaxation session? There comes a part where the instructor informs you to start coming out of your relax mode by starting to wiggle your toes and fingers and a part of you just doesn't want to. It's the equivalent to a near death experience where you have the choice to follow that light at the end of the tunnel or wake up from your coma, but not so extreme! This Saturday afternoon after a 10km run (with challenging hills might I add) and post shower all I wanted to do was sleep. However I had a dinner to cook - ravioli in fact - Cordon Bleu series 30 (not French!). Imke reminded me of the fact 1 1/2 hours into my sleep. My body protested at the thought of moving (I took it as a sign that I should remain where I was). However not all was lost... Imke to the rescue!
I had complete confidence as when it comes to pasta making Imke is a star. This was demonstrated back in 2013 when Imke was part of the Pukehou school team who starred in the Maggi Kitchen Showdown on the Erin Simpson show - this is big when you are at primary school - hey I was excited taking the team down to the Wellington TV studios.

So I take no credit for this week's cordon bleu dish. Imke had it all in hand. She even got to use for the first time the ravioli tray - another purchase at sale. Imke followed the recipe but found the "paste" concept rather strange - this is what toothpaste is but pasta? The paste was sticky and therefore difficult to handle. So when rolling it out it stuck to everything - fingers, board, rolling pin. A little flour was added (against the rules) and this made it slightly manageable.  Imke choose the spinach and curd cheese filling and made those little parcels of delight. My contribution was rounding up a tomato sauce in my post haze "had too much sleep" state. The end result was perfect, and even better I had enough for work on Monday! Thanks Imke :-)

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