

Saturday 3 October 2015

Special edition: Julia Child Pilgrimage

As a typical kiwi I love to travel and when there was the opportunity to go to Europe with my husband who was working, I couldn't deny myself the opportunity to go along. As my sister instructed me if you are going to be in the Netherlands visiting family you just have to go to Paris - it's so close and think of your blog. How could I argue with that!
I hadn't had much time to plan for the trip... stop work, girls settled into their grandparents home for the  2 1/2 weeks we were away..  throw some gear into the suitcase and hop onto the plane.
I love long flights ... the opportunity to do nothing, eat and drink, watch a movie, have a snooze - no washing up, no domestic duties - it really is true bliss.
We had three nights in Paris - which meant I needed a focused plan of eating as many gourmet delights as possible and of course checking out Julia's favourite places - it was a pilgrimage to Julia in Paris! It was so exciting I thought that I would burst!
The say a picture is worth a thousand words... so here is a photo essay of my time in Paris...

First meal in Paris - no better way to start than having organic escargots from a market right by the Louvre.
A favourite cookery equipment shop of Julia's - the E.Dehillerin

Wrapping up the trussing needle - best I don't pack this on carry luggage

A poster of Julia - still in the shop today

Luckily I travelled light to fit in the copper pots!

Soup A L'oignon

Pig trotters - hmm... probably the first and last time I have that.

It's a hard life!

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Louis - our chef

With my cousin Anouk, Louis and Jamie

Rue Cler - the best gourmet  market where Julia shopped

81 Rue de l' Universite 7th arrondissement
Julia's home in Paris


The last supper... escargots

Boeuf Bourguignon

Bon appetit

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